Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise During Pregnancy

  • Dra. Elisa

Normally, during pregnancy, you suddenly experience being tired often. You’re gaining weight from the progressive growth of your baby and you may not feel your best. Fortunately, exercise may help provide some relief. It has been recommended that becoming active and exercising at least 30 minutes on most, if not all days of the week can benefit your health in the following ways...

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Pregnant Traveller

Travel During Pregnancy

  • Dra. Elisa

With the advent of bargain tickets bought months before travel schedule, this is one of the most common questions asked of me. Unless the stress of travelling can prove to be harmful to you, you don’t need to cancel your travel plans because you got pregnant. It is however important to get a clearance from your obstetrician before embarking anywhere.

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Benefits of Breastfeeding

Benefits of Breastfeeding

  • Dra. Elisa

To compensate for the immature immune system of your newborn, your breastmilk contains antibodies to help him fight off infection. Numerous studies have shown that a history of breastfeeding was associated with decrease risk of acute otitis media, non-specific gastroenteritis, severe lower respiratory tract infection, atopic dermatitis, childhood leukemia, and necrotizing enterocolitis. The delivery of immune support from breastmilk is available to the child the entire time he is breastfed and studies have shown that it lasts beyond the age of weaning.

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Surviving Morning Sickness

Surviving Morning Sickness

  • Dra. Elisa

Nausea and vomiting are common complaints, and often experienced by most patients during the first part of pregnancy. This is also called “morning sickness”, although it can occur at any time of the day and for some special cases, these can last the entire pregnancy. Most cases of “morning sickness” are not harmful. However, when these symptoms are severe and persistent, they can affect your health hence may require hospitalization.

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